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Last EBL and Software carpentry workshop

We are finally doing our last EBL. I can not believe that we are soon going to start our projects. I am extremely eager to start it, but I feel like I need to appreciate free time that I have right now. First think in April, I will go to Harwell to do some scans at the synchrotron. I had to shorten my trip to home to 1 week in order to be able to do so. Anyway for the last EBL we are writing reports about stem cell niches and their recapitulation. I am half way through, but I need to hurry up, since next Tuesday we have to do presentations.

Ouu, by the way I have graduated from UCL, just got my certificate sent to me. I am not going to attend the graduation ceremony, as it will be extremely expensive and anyway I have a conference scheduled on that date.

Last week we all had a software carpentry workshop, where we were given a short intro to: bash, python, version control and SQL. This was all covered in two days, thus we couldn’t really go into much details. I will actually need to know python for my PhD but I will need to take additional courses as this was nowhere near to what I need to know. At least it gave a nice intro.

Also last week I went to dinner with my supervisors. So overall we spent around 7 hours together, as we had a meeting earlier that day. After which, I was shown how to electrospin fibers. It was really great and the more time I spend learning about my project the more I like it. But I guess we need to wait a few years and see what I will say then. J

Lastly, I just have booked tickets to Edinburgh for the TransMed CDT student conference. This conference is aimed for the CDT students from different universities and I think it’s a great way to start presenting. I will submit an abstract for a poster and hopefully it will be accepted.

Anyway this week we are going to have a trip to AstraZenica and I will write about it in a next blog.

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